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Corringham Primary School Uniform Policy

Boys Uniform
White polo / Logo t-shirt
Navy Trousers/Tailored Shorts
Royal Blue Logo V Neck Jumper
PE logo t-shirt
Dark PE shorts
Dark Tracksuit Blue/Black
Black Shoes

Girls Uniform
White polo / Logo t-shirt
Navy Skirt/Pinafore Dress
Royal Blue Logo Cardigan
Blue/White Gingham Dress
PE Logo T-shirt
Dark PE Shorts
Dark Tracksuit Blue/Black
Flat Heeled Black Shoes

Trainers are not permitted to be worn for school.

P.E. Kit
For P.E, we ask that the children wear a plain white tee shirt or logo t-shirt, navy shorts and black plimsolls. Trainers and a blue/black tracksuit may be worn for outdoor activities only.

    All information displayed is correct as of 1st November 2018.