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Late Night Shopping Evening & Christmas Market

Friday 1st December, 6pm-8pm

We invite you to our very first late night shopping evening where we will open our doors from 6pm-8pm, but don't worry, we will still be open for our usual daytime opening hours from 10am-4pm.

Some shops in the Courtyard will remain open this evening too, including The Cup and Saucer Tea Room & Hayley's Hair and Holistic's and of course many stall holders who will form the Christmas Market.

On this special evening we will be offering all our in-store and online customers a 5% discount off all official schoolwear collections*.

We look forward to enjoying a special evening with you all. 

Happy Shopping!!

*Applicable on orders over £50 (in-store & online) between 6pm-8pm on Friday 1st December only. Enter Code: Late Night Shopping