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St Mary's Catholic Primary School Uniform Policy

Girls Winter
Royal Blue Blazer (optional)
Royal blue cardigan
White shirt
School Tie
Grey skirt, pinafore or trousers
Black low heeled shoes
Grey tights or white long socks

Girls Summer
Royal Blue Balzer (optional)
Royal blue cardigan
Light blue gingham dress
White socks
Black or Navy Blue Low heeled sandals

Boys Winter
Royal Blue Blazer (optional)
Royal blue jumper
White shirt
School Tie
Grey trousers
Black shoes

Boys Summer
Royal Blue Blazer (optional)
Royal blue jumper
Royal blue polo shirt
Grey Shorts or trousers
Black Shoes or sandals

Shoes: Black. Boots and high heeled shoes/boots are never allowed. Trainers are never allowed to be worn for school. No open-toe or sling back style sandals are allowed. Boots/Wellingtons may be worn to and from school in winter, but must never be worn indoors. Socks/tights to be worn at all times. (Children should never wear shoes or sandals with no socks). 

P.E: White T-shirt, dark blue shorts, black plimsolls. These items should be labelled and stored in a draw string bag with the child’s name on, so the bag can be left in the cloakroom

Coats: Navy blue, black or grey coats with a hood should be worn.

Parents and carers are requested to: ensure that children wear sensible black school shoes

All information displayed is correct as of 1st November 2018.

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