Some orders may take 1-2 weeks to process (subject to stock availability)

Stanford-le-Hope Primary School Uniform Policy


- Navy blue or black skirt, trousers or pinafore
- Navy blue, white or pale blue polo shirt
- Navy blue fleece or sweat shirt
- Navy blue cardigan or jumper
- White or navy socks or tights
- Blue/white checked dress during summer months
- Navy blue or black tailored shorts during summer months

- Black sensible shoes or black trainers (trainers should be completely black with no additional colours)
- Sandals may be worn during summer months (sandals must be secured at the
ankle with a strap)

P.E. Kit
All year:
Navy blue shorts, plain white T–shirt and a change of footwear.
Winter Kit for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2:
Navy blue or black jogging bottoms and a plain navy or black sweatshirt


All information displayed is correct as of 1st May 2020.

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