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Stifford Clays Primary School Uniform Policy


Navy Blue jumper/sweat shirt/tank top (school badge optional)
White shirt/Polo tops
Navy Blue Trousers/Shorts*
Navy blue or black socks
Black shoes or trainers with black soles
Tie (optional)

Navy Blue jumper/sweat shirt/cardigan (school badge optional)
White blouses/Polo tops
Navy Blue Skirts*/Pinafores*/Shorts*/Trousers  (*knee length)
Navy blue,white or black socks/tights
Black shoes or trainers with black soles
Tie (optional)
Blue gingham dress in summer term (optional)

Nursery children
Due to lack of buttons and fastenings, nursery children are permitted to wear navy blue jogging bottoms or leggings.

Head Boy Girl
As above with black blazer and red and black tie

Only black shoes are to be worn to school. This may include black trainers however they must be all black with no coloured motif or soles.

P.E. Kit
White T shirt
Navy shorts
Black or white trainers/Plimsolls
Navy Jogging bottoms (Winter months)


All information displayed is correct as of 1st November 2018.