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Tilbury Pioneer Academy Uniform Policy

Boys’ Uniform
Mid-grey V neck jumper
White polo or button down shirt
Grey trousers or shorts
Black shoes

Boys’ PE Kit
Black cotton shorts
Purple T shirt with school logo
Plimsolls or training shoes

Boys’ Summer to October Uniform
Boys white polo top
Charcoal trousers / grey shorts

Girls' Uniform
Mid-grey V neck jumper or cardigan
White polo or button down blouse
Grey skirt or pinafore dress or grey trousers
Grey tights or plain white socks
Black shoes

All hair accessories must be in the academy colours of purple, white or grey. Hair bows must be no larger than 10cm in length.

Girls' PE Kit
Black cotton shorts
Purple T shirt with school logo
Plimsolls or training shoes

Girls' Summer to October Uniform
Purple and white checked dress
Plain white socks

All information displayed is correct as of 1st November 2018.