Thameside Primary School Uniform Policy
Grey or black trousers
Red sweatshirts, jumpers or fleeces
White polo shirts
Black shoes suitable for school
Optional Summer: Grey or black shorts
Grey pinafore or skirt
Grey or black trousers or skirts
Red sweatshirts, cardigans, jumpers or fleeces
White polo shirts
Black shoes suitable for school
Optional Summer: Red and white check dresses
P.E. Kit
A round neck t-shirt: white, green (Weir), blue (Farrah), yellow (Simmons).
Black shorts
Trainers for outside P.E. (Plimsolls acceptable for some weathers)
Dark blue/black jogging bottoms and a dark blue/black/red jumper.
Plain black shorts.
Long black football socks.
Shin pads, for football.
Football boots - these are essential if your child is representing the school or attending a football/rugby after school club. Football boots can be worn at the parent's discretion for PE lessons.